At the heart of industrial issues

Connect and develop your manufacturing company

The technological revolution is transforming our business relationships and ways of working. The manufacturing sector is not immune to the trend and is deeply affected by these changes. How to distinguish your company and position it in a sustainable way for the industry of the future? That’s where we come in. Specializing in the manufacturing sector, Emperia Industries Connect Inc. supports and guides companies in the industry towards innovation, modernization and the discovery of business opportunities.

How? We do this by designing and organizing events specific to the challenges of the manufacturing industry. By networking international leaders, forward-thinking solution providers and the next future generation of tomorrow. Through consulting services provided by a team of renowned experts in the acquisition of accreditations, international representation, recruitment, industrial visits, private trade missions and assistance during official stays.

Our firm

  • Contributes to the modernization and transformation of the manufacturing industry
  • Creates international business and networking opportunities
  • Strengthen inter-industrial, intercultural and international relations

Our mission

Contribute to the development and creation of the manufacturing industry of the future, which is intelligent, visionary and connected to the current socio-economic, human, environmental and technological challenges of our modern society.

Making a difference in the manufacturing industry by becoming a designer and organizer of international events exclusively dedicated to the industrial sector and its future.

Facilitate and create business opportunities in the industrial and manufacturing sector, here and elsewhere, to promote interindustrial, intercultural and international connections.


Our vision

We want to be THE partner of choice and THE North American reference in event organization exclusively for the industrial sector, targeting the transformation, modernization and internationalization of industries in order to build a better tomorrow for our future generation.

Our values

Our values are at the heart of our actions and serve as benchmarks for everything we do: we are motivated by a sense of responsibility towards humanity. We believe that understanding different cultures can lead to positive change.


in the manufacturing community


creating unique, rewarding and inspiring innovative events dedicated to manufacturers


par la construction de ponts international/ interindustriel/ interculturel


in the delivery


on the development of industries that
we serve


in accompanying our
manufacturing customers
expert partners

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